genealogist patrick o'neill kansas

Genealogist patrick o'neill kansas
SEAN O'NEILL 6 EISLER, b. May 30, 1969, Kansas City, MO. ii. PATRICK WILLIAM
Cushing Genealogy : Donnelly Family
22 Aug 2009 Benedict "Benny" Patrick Dewald. 72 iv. Patricia Ann Dewald. In 1930, he transferred to Kansas City as an Asst. Store Manager, and bought a lot in ..... Born, 15 Jun 1977, in O'Neill , Holt, NE. 54. Joseph Leo9 Fritz.
Clare Genealogy : Emigration Records: Emigrants from Broadford
Rowe Genealogy Home Page. Wales Flag Flag of Wales Ray was a member of St. Patrick's Catholic Church in O'Neill , the Knights of Columbus Council 701,
JONES Penny b. Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri d. : Wheeler
17 Jan 2006 Cassin ( Patrick , James Henry), O'Neill & Paul USA NY>IL> KS /Cassin family history & genealogy message board. Hosted by
Joseph Gregor Family Genealogy logo for Olive Tree Genealogy and its free free .... Anne ; 22; O'NEILL , Patrick ; 25; Belfast CHURCH, Archibald; 25; Coleraine
A Genealogical Record of My Ancestors, Phyllis Miller Dooner The History of the Schreiber Clan of Ransom, Kansas , Patrick L. O'Neill
Woodson County Kansas Genealogy Surnames
100+ posts - 28 authors - Last post: 31 JanBIG UPDATE on Patrick O'Neill B: 1846 IRE to Ontario> Oneida, NY - Elizabeth ..... 1864, Guelph, Ontario> 1867 KS >MO>1884 CA > 1885 MT - Bio
KarensGen.Com - Rowe Genealogy Home Page
O'NEILL Contact: Marie Patrick O'Neill father was Michael O'Neill, ..... Dakota 505-508 Nebraska 509-515 Kansas 516-517 Montana 518-519 Idaho 520 Wyoming
New York State NYGenWeb Ulster County Genealogy Queries I-R
27 Jan 2011 A collection of links to genealogy details mentioned on other websites. .... O' NEILL, Wm. S. married 11 Jan 1899 in Greenwood County, Kansas a bride named and PATRICK O'NEILL ) was born 15 Mar 1914 in COCHISE COUNTY,
Genealogy of Families of Valcartier, Quebec - Person Page 187
1 Oct 2010 Principal=James O'Neill, Principal= Kansas Jefferson Co Census 1880 .... 29 Jun 1985|p187.htm#i2553|William Patrick O'Neill |b.
Linkpendium > Genealogy > USA > Surnames > O Families: Surname
The definitive directory to O'Neill Family: Surname Genealogy , Family History, Obituary of Patrick O'Neill , 1894 (Source: USGenWeb Illinois Archives)
Local History
6 Jun 2006 Kansas Family/Ness family history & genealogy message board.
Alphabetical List: N,O,P
12 Nov 2009 genealogy of the wheeler and blaase families [S47] GEDCOM file (Stone-Hurt) from Pat O'Neill, Patrick O'Neill , (Received 12 May 2000
Cassin ( Patrick , James Henry), O'Neill & Paul USA NY>IL> KS
His father, Patrick O'Neill , was born in the same county of Ireland in 1813,
Ships Passenger Lists, NUBIA 1863 From Ireland To Quebec, Nova Scotia
County Clare Genealogy : Donated Material - Emigrants from Broadford through Friend, Reverend John Hennessy, Central and Lawrence Avenues, Wichita, Kansas .... Patrick O'Neill , Kilbane, Broadford, Clare, Brother, Owen O'Neill, 15,