how tall is patrick dempsey

Patrick Dempsey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
5 Dec 2006 How tall is patrick dempsey of grays anatomy fame! The KGB Agent answer: Patrick Dempsey , stars in 'Grey's Anatomy' as Dr. Derek Shepherd.
How tall are these celebrities barefoot? - Yahoo! Answers
What is the height (length measured vertically) of Patrick Dempsey (born 1966), the actor?
Patrick Dempsey Height - How Tall Is
31 Mar 2010 Patrick Dempsey Bio, How Tall Is Patrick Dempsey ?, Patrick
The Patrick Dempsey Picture Pages
weak 5"10 guy...177-178cm. brigitte says on 19/Aug/10 just watched an episode of greys anatomy (season 2 episode 9) where ellen pompeo and patrick dempsey
How tall is patrick warburton – kgb answers
27 Sep 2008 How tall are these celebrities barefoot? *Matt Damon *Johnny Depp *George Clooney *Zac Efron *Tom Cruise * Patrick Dempsey *Kiefer Sutherland
How Tall is Patrick Dempsey ? -
Patrick Galen Dempsey (born January 13, 1966) is an American actor, known for his role as neurosurgeon Dr. Derek Shepherd ("McDreamy") on the medical drama
How tall is patrick dempsey of grays anatomy fame! – kgb answers
6 Jan 2011 How tall is actor Patrick Dempsey ? ChaCha Answer: Patrick Galen Dempsey, born January 13, 1966 in Lewiston, Maine, is 5' 10½ ". Thank ...
How Tall Is Patrick Dempsey | Life123
Peter DeLuise (6ft 1in), Chris DeMetral (5ft 7in), Patrick Dempsey (5ft 9
Patrick Dempsey Quiz
But, how well do you really know Patrick Dempsey ? Take the quiz and find out for 1. How tall is Patrick ? 3. What is Patrick's current wife's name?
Patrick Dempsey Height - compare yourself to him! - Filmbug
How tall was Patrick Swayze? He is 5'10 or 1.78m. How tall is Patrick
How tall is the celebrity Patrick Dempsey ?
1,76 is short for a man, Patrick Dempsey he is the shortest guy in Grey's