patrick mcgoohan funeral
Patrick McGoohan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
14 Jan 2009 The Prisoner… Patrick McGoohan , Dead! Where will the funeral take place? skynet A sad day for all on this island called earth.
Patrick McGoohan - Obituary - Los Angeles, CA -
15 Jan 2009 Patrick McGoohan , a two-time Emmy Award-winning actor who starred as a British spy in the 1960s TV series "Secret Agent" and gained cult
"The Prisoner" TV Series. Information concerning Patrick
The game of Kosho, seen in Hammer and Funeral , was devised by McGoohan. .... Patrick McGoohan remained in touch with the Prisoner's appreciation society and
Patrick Mcgoohan - Patrick McGoohan , TV's 'Secret Agent' and
763024am. 'The Prisoner' TV [It's Your Funeral ] - 1967 EPISODE 11-IT'S YOUR FUNERAL Patrick McGoohan , Annette Andre 1967
Patrick McGoohan Tribute: The Obituary and Death Notice of Patrick The Prisoner - Set 3: The Schizoid Man/Many Happy Returns/It's Your Funeral : Patrick McGoohan , George Markstein, Angelo Muscat, Peter Swanwick, The Prisoner - Set 3: The Schizoid Man/Many Happy
Patrick Joseph McGoohan (March 19, 1928 – January 13, 2009) was an American-born actor, raised in Ireland and England, with an extensive stage and film
INFINITYbound » Patrick McGoohan
Patrick McGoohan Tribute: LOS ANGELES (AP) - Patrick McGoohan , an ... Get directions to a funeral home, order flowers or donate to charity.
Six of One - The Prisoner - Patrick McGoohan - Facts 101-150
Patrick McGoohan has been chosen as one of the 10 stars which adorn the
Columbo Episodes
30 Apr 2002 Patrick McGoohan and British 1960s' TV series: "The Prisoner" No 6. Checkmate; Hammer into Anvil; It's Your Funeral ; A Change of Mind
Patrick mcgoohan - Videos on Veehd
tag: patrick mcgoohan / refine. recent popular alphabetically / all flash divx .... The Prisoner - 11 - Its Your Funeral
Patrick McGoohan , R.I.P. |
TV [It's Your Funeral ] - 1967 EPISODE 11-IT'S YOUR FUNERAL Patrick
Actor Patrick McGoohan dead at 80 - Modern Mythology
14 Jan 2009 Private funeral services were pending today for Emmy- winning actor Patrick McGoohan , who rose to stardom in the 1960s British television
VHS: Prisoner: It's Your Funeral [VHS] with Patrick McGoohan (actor)
14 Jan 2009 Britain's the Guardian is reporting that Patrick McGoohan died Funeral plans haven't been announced. The actor is survived by a
"The Prisoner" It's Your Funeral (TV episode 1967) - IMDb
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View15 Jan 2009 I am extremely saddened by the news of Patrick Mcgoohan's passing. ..... I wish I could be there for the funeral , but as I'm,
BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Prisoner star McGoohan dies at 80
Ashes to Ashes (10/8/98): Patrick McGoohan (who once again directs the action) is a Beverly Hills funeral director, who has become rich and famous selling