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27 Feb 2011 Another key indicator for the best-picture winner, notes Los Angeles Times reporter Patrick Goldstein , is a best-editing nomination.
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10 posts - 8 authors - Last post: 9 hours agoI guess it had nothing to do with the blowing up of the oil fields. One thing I've noticed on this board over the years is that the right will grasp at any straw, any rationale, Originally Posted by E. Goldstein View Post
And the Oscars best predictor is . . . | Philadelphia Inquirer
28 Feb 2011 Steven Zeitchik and Patrick Goldstein contributed to this report. Do not resort to personal abuse. You may disagree with the content
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15 Feb 2011 But two of them you can do from right here: 1) Take a look at what's How did things come to this (is it time for a narrated flashback?
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Integrity, hold integrity as the highest regard in every thing you do and ..... You can do all the things mentioned above but if you don't quit your day job
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21 Feb 2011 Ken Goldstein , Political Science Nancy Mathews, Nelson Institute Instructors should try to do the same. Keep 'em learning! to my brother in Montana last night and he kept asking how things got to this point.
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Good thing he has his newspaper job to supplement his TV show. I do believe that the ability to speak is one of the prerequisites for television. One of the more interesting things ..... By Patrick Goldstein . Published: November 3, 2008
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3 Dec 2010 It's one thing to put it on the Warner Brothers' tab; it's quite another .... Patrick Goldstein's Big Picture · Patterico's Pontifications
Go Into The Story
25 Feb 2011 The eight Trappists of Tibhirine do many good works, yet their daily Patrick Goldstein , LA Times "Insightful as well as provocative." - Live-Blogging the Oscars
7 May 2010 Are you kidding me? this thing is going to get a one-week
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Finding common ground at Oscars -
28 Feb 2011 By PATRICK GOLDSTEIN Los Angeles Times. Posted: Monday, Feb. The same thing happened in 1979, when "The Deer Hunter," an evocative So why does liberal Hollywood often pay its highest tribute to films with such
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As Patrick Goldstein pointed out in the LA Times last week, several of this ..... “Good” isn't the same thing as gifted, nor does brilliance always lead to
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Oftentimes [enhancing the laughs] is the right thing to do . Sometimes you do need a cymbal ..... Retrieved 2007-09-26. ^ Patrick Goldstein (1999-10-10).