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Pat McGee is a singer, songwriter, and guitarist from Annandale, Virginia, and is a founding member and frontman of the Pat McGee Band.
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15 // Suzanne and Patrick McGee $15660300. The co-founder of private equity firm Brazos Partners (see Randall Fojtasek, No. 43) is married to Perot's
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7 Jul 2007 Everything you need to know about Patrick Mcgee Email addresses, Jr.; Lyda Hill; Suzanne and Patrick McGee ; Margot and Ross Perot;
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Pulitzer-winning author Anna Quindlen to speak at Planned
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML Suzanne and Patrick McGee . Edward Mercer. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Moore. Barbara Bass Moroney Foundation. Nancy Mulford. Mr. David M. Munson. Neiman Marcus
Suzanne Patrick Mcgee
Nancy and Tim Hanley, Marguerite Steed Hoffman, Suzanne and Patrick McGee , Allen and Kelli Questrom, Cindy and Howard Rachofsky, Deedie and Rusty Rose,
Dallas Museum of Art - Current Exhibitions
12 Nov 2009 Honorary chairs are Sarah and Ross Perot, Jr.; Nancy Perot
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Joan & Marvin Lane, Suzanne & Patrick McGee , Carolyn & Karl Rathjen, Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP, Alisha & Joseph Sinacola, Stanford Group Company,
Treasure Street Benefiting Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children
Suzanne and Patrick McGee . Ms. Rachel J. Merrick Microsoft Giving Campaign Mike A. Myers Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Mills
The 100 Most Expensive Homes in Dallas 2009
Marguerite S. Hoffman, Suzanne and Patrick McGee , Allen and Kelli Questrom, Cindy and Howard Rachofsky, Deedie and Rusty Rose, Gayle and Paul Stoffel,
Patrick McGee - Property Listings | Chestnut Park
21 Feb 2010 Co-chairs are Lizzie Routman and Suzanne McGee . Ann and Chris Mahowald, Suzanne and Patrick McGee /Lizzie and Dan Routman,