judge patrick eccles
View a detailed profile of (Hugh William) Patrick ECCLES , career, Style: His Hon Judge Eccles, QC; Recreations: tennis, opera and P G Wodehouse
Judge jails animal rights arsonist Mel Broughton for 10 years | UK
Sentencing, Judge Patrick Eccles said: “If groups of you fight or threaten to fight the away supporters to the extent that people are put in fear,
Judge jails animal right arsonist Mel Broughton for 10 years
19 Jul 2010 Judge Patrick Eccles gave Utimisovs a three-year supervision order with a requirement to attend a sex-offender programme,
Coventry Telegraph - News - Coventry News - Sky Blue hooligans jailed
9 Jan 2002 Sentencing, Judge Patrick Eccles said: “If groups of you fight or Judge Patrick Eccles said: “I am satisfied that there was a mutual
Patrick Eccles - Email, Address, Phone numbers, everything
15 Oct 2004 Judge Patrick Eccles , QC, sitting at Northampton Crown Court, lifted the order and praised Mr Lamont's tenacity for saving the life of his
Blenheim Palace aide jailed for stealing £150000 from stately home
22 Jan 2010 Judge Patrick Eccles QC, sentencing at Oxford Crown Court. Sentencing, Judge Patrick Eccles QC said: "The case evokes a great deal of
His Hon Judge Eccles , QC Authorised Biography – Debrett's People
18 Nov 2010 Judge Patrick Eccles jailed Benson for two-and-a-half years and called The judge added that the petrol station was not part of a large
Legion in the News
Liverpool News, Searching for: judge patrick eccles qc, Oxford scald death care home sentenced.
Gang of Didcot teenagers sent down for attack on Grove teenager on
15 Oct 2004 The case was described by presiding judge Mr Patrick Eccles QC as being .... The Appeal was heard by His Honour Judge Patrick Eccles sitting
Trainee manager 'stole £20k to pay off loan sharks' (From Bicester
13 Jul 2010 Judge Patrick Eccles QC sentenced Broughton, of Northampton, to 10 years in jail after the jury found him guilty of conspiracy to commit
Rachael Eccles | People Search for Rachael Eccles on InetGiant
19 Feb 2011 Torex Retail, which employed more than 100 people in Witney and Banbury, collapsed in 2007 but Judge Patrick Eccles stressed this had
Acts cost flasher community order (From The Oxford Times)
25 Jan 2011 Rachel Drake, defending at Oxford Crown Court, told Judge Patrick Eccles : “He ( Denslow) effectively has drawn attention to what he has done
2008 November 17 « Vigilant Antis's Weblog
16 Aug 2009 Rachel Drake, defending at Oxford Crown Court, told Judge Patrick Eccles : “He ( Denslow) effectively has drawn attention to what he has done
'Remorse' of child porn offender; Bridegroom-to-be is spared
23 Jan 2010 Donaldson's counsel, Peter Lownds told Judge Patrick Eccles QC that the finance director, Dominic Hare, challenged his junior.
Son's birth led to petrol station ram-raid in Porsche (From Oxford
17 Nov 2008 Judge Patrick Eccles said Westland had carried out a “vicious sexual attack” in August. He said: “You are a predatory male and unable to