state representative patrick natale

Representative Patrick Natale
Nov 9, 2008 Woburn Alderman James J. Dwyer, who defeated state Representative Patrick Natale in the Democratic primary in September and ran unopposed on
Patrick Natale - Email Address, Phone Number, Contact Information
Sep 17, 2008 Another primary day loss was the defeat of Woburn state Rep . Patrick Natale , who supported marriage equality, by challenger James Dwyer.
Patrick Natale - Email, Address, Phone numbers, everything
Jan 10, 2006 READING - State Treasurer Tim Cahill today presented a school building Reading) and Representative Patrick M. Natale (D-Woburn).
Patrick J. Natale - Transportation Experts
Oct 23, 2007 State Representative Patrick Natale (Woburn): Earnest, geeky, new to the game but for all that a bit of a waffler on issues like casino
Burlington Veterans' Service About State Representative Patrick Natale • LLM, Boston
Patrick Manansala Laurel
May 1, 2006 WHO: State Senator Patricia Jehlen, State Representative Paul Casey, State Representative Patrick Natale , State Representative Denise
Primary results a mixed bag for LGBT community | MassEquality
Sep 22, 2006 Congressmen, Senators and State Representative Contact list. Rep . Patrick Natale . Phone: 617-722-2425. E-mail: Rep .
MHD Information Page
Mar 4, 2008 WOBURN - State Rep . Patrick Natale , D-Woburn, wants to take "a serious look" at Governor Deval Patrick's three-casinos plan.
Pat Natale profiles | LinkedIn
21 Dec 2010 About State Representative Patrick Natale • LLM, Boston University School of Law 3 Nov 2007 I am state Representative Patrick Natale .
Former Rep . Patrick Natale faces domestic assault charges
Patrick Natale faces domestic assault charges /images/siteImages/rss_logo.jpg A former two-term state representative is
Patrick Natale on Mass Scorecard
(Reading, Stoneham, Woburn) Candidates: Representative James Dwyer (D) Kara Fratto (R) District History: Dwyer unseated State Rep . Patrick Natale in a
Middlesex County | Mass Beacon
Representative Patrick Natale's profile on FREEDOMSPEAKS.COM. FREEDOMSPEAKS.COM is a website dedicated to providing citizens complete access to their public
Victors vow to work on fiscal woes - The Boston Globe
Through our efforts, and the efforts of United State Senators Edward Kennedy and John Kerry, Congressman Edward Markey, State Representative Patrick Natale ,
Policy Today - Contributors
View the profiles of professionals named Pat Natale on LinkedIn. Summary: OBJECTIVE Seeking a pharmaceutical sales representative position with a highly and an M.S.N. from Wayne State University College of Nursing in 1978.
Office of the State Treasurer - - Press Release
Dec 24, 2010 Massachusetts (MA) State Representative Patrick Natale [MA House hou.state. About State Representative Patrick Natale LLM, Boston