patrick mccown mccowngordon
Patrick Mccown - Email, Address, Phone numbers, everything
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View Pat McCown , McCownGordon Construction. Jesse McCurry, Kennedy & Coe LLC. Stan McDermott. Robb McKim, PGAV Architects. Jim Mulry, Guava Technologies
Kansas City Downtowners | Event Details
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTMLRamin R. Cherafat of McCownGordon Construction. Always on top of their game, Pat McCown's staff members understand where the industry is headed,
Grandview : Economic Development Partners
Vice-President, Development: Patrick McCown (principal, McCownGordon ... kcopera .org. In this section, 123people refers to web documents such as PDF formats
Patrick Mccown - Email Address, Phone Number, Contact Information
Pat McCown , McCownGordon Construction Jim Baker, Missouri State University Kelly Gillespie, MOBIO David Kerr, Department of Economic Development
MOSIRA: 2011 Priority Legislation Update - -
Pat McCown (CEO, McCownGordon Construction) C. Stephen Metzler (President/CFO - Metzler Bros. Insurance) Susan Seidler Nerman (Community Volunteer)
McCownGordon Construction – Kansas City MO Construction – The
Pat McCown . BOARD OF DIRECTORS CO-ChairMAN. Pat McCown . CEO McCownGordon Construction. David Fowler. OUTGOING Board of Directors Co-Chairman. David Fowler
Patrick Mccown Mccowngordon
Jun 26, 2009 McCown Gordon Construction 422 Admiral Blvd. Ste 100. Kansas City, MO 64106. Pat McCown (816) 960-1111. Fax: (816) 960-1182
Mccowngordon Construction
Best of success!” Patrick McCown , Principal, McCown Gordon Construction. Home | About | Services | Project Profiles | Market Profiles | Newsroom | Contact.
McCownGordon Construction announces promotions |
Pat McCown - McCown Gordon . annie presley - mckellar consulting. Jat Tomlinson - Helix Architecture + Design. Pat Murfey - Grindstone Industrial Properties
Design Mechanical, Inc. :: President William Iler
Kansas City, Missouri Area - CEO at McCownGordon Construction Pat Mccown . CEO at McCownGordon Construction. Kansas City, Missouri Area
Ingram's | Philanthropy 2006
Website: www. mccowngordon .com. Email this Page; Print Page; Request Information Ramin Cherafat, V.P. Operations; J. Gordon, Pres; Patrick J. McCown , CEO
ThinkKC || Board of Directors
Interior view of McCownGordon's Headquarters in downtown Kansas City, Missouri. The company was established in 1999 by founders Patrick J. McCown and J.
news & resources - Jeffrey Byrne & Associates - Capital and
Aug 17, 2010 In addition to Pat McCown of McCown Gordon Construction and Cassias speaking, BOE president Ki Gamble spoke last, recalling talking to
New school officially open for business - Greensburg, KS - Kiowa
Chairing the meeting were McCownGordon's CEO Pat McCown and Jean-Paul Chaurand of the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation.
STLCC-Florissant Valley President to Serve As MOBIO Treasurer
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick ViewMr. Patrick McCown , CEO- McCownGordon Construction. Ms. Katherine McDonald, Director of Corporate Communications-Kansas City Power & Light Company